Leading up to this test, we made a couple of setup changes and the results were very promising. The front weight transfer is now nicely controlled on entry and as you transition into a balanced throttle at the apex and increasing throttle application from there on the front end really grips. The only adverse effect of this change was in the two very high speed corners, Turn1 and Corum where the rear was a little too lively.
One thing I was very pleased at was the progress we have made on the braking. Well when I say we, what I actually mean is getting the car to a point where I feel confident when hard on the brakes and with a feel that enables me to modulate pre-lockup.

Towards the middle of the day, we made a couple of anti-roll bar changes to see the effect with the aim of calming the rear down a little through the high speed corners. Going forward there might be some time to gain through some small damper changes and a change in the location of the ballast.
The modification we made to the seat are spot on, I am now held in enough by the side of the seat to be able to attempt left foot braking into the bomb hole rather than needing to lift just before entry and it stops one more transition as the car gets towards the apex as I am already on the throttle pedal.
Outstanding items leading up to the first race are video and palm installation as we ran out of time before the test and to get the new graphics / colour scheme on to the car. Just 3 weeks left until the first race!