Another good start, quite a different from the last (and first) time I raced at Brands.

Through Paddock hill bend for the first time, I went around David Wale on the on the outside to stay in 5th place on the first lap. As we finish the lap, I get a better run out of Clearways than Tim, had a good run on him down the start finish lap, headed up to the left as Tim covered the overtaking line into Paddock Hill.

So I just went around the outside and managed to get back into the inside before the hairpin to take 4th. I was then right behind John Goodwin into the hairpin whilst he gets a little too close to John Cutmore who had an excellent start into the lead. A slight sprinkling of plastic and glass! I then get a better run through and out of Graham Hill bend and get along side John Goodwin for 3rd place. Just before I head into the chicane I noticed that Tim was heading up the inside of me. Well from my position I thought I would take his nose off if I cut into the corner and therefore with a late entry I ran wide and bounced over the grass for the second time in a matter of hours!
Off grass in one piece but still traveling very fast which means I run wide into Clearways and skirt around the inner edge of the gravel trap. This lets a gaggle of 6 cars through and I rejoined following Colin and Henry. My run down the start/finish straight was good and I came up behind and on the inside of Colin as we enter Paddock Hill bend. I kept to the inside of Colin, hoping maintain the inside line into Druids, excellent driving from Colin as we ran side by side with inches between us.
A few car lengths ahead of us, Matt Rowe goes wide through the latter half of Paddock Hill, keeps his foot in and drives in a nice arc through the gravel. Matt rejoins in a cloud of dust as Colin and I move to the right to stay out of his way, Colins continued transition to the right encourages (would normally say forces but heÂs too nice for that!!) me further and further to the right which left me over on the dirty edge of the track and when Henry slams on the brakes I just did not have enough grip and ended up using Henrys car as an extra brake. No major issue for Henry except part of my headlight being added as ballast for him as it stuck into his rear body work.

For the next lap or so I kept an eye on temperatures and pressures and all seemed ok , so decided to continue to run around and get the 3 points for a finish. Its quite interesting doing the Brands Indy circuit in just 5th and 6th!

After the race it was a matter of putting the air box back on, trying to re-mount the bonnet and taping up the missing light. Here you can see Jamie with a rather taped up Fury!
Race 2
There was a delay before our allocated time for the second race due to a rather nasty accident in another formula which meant that our second race would be a combined A, B and C race.

Overall a little messy race but I did go from 12th to 5th in class and regained a least some useful points.

So not the best of race weekends for me results-wise. Some repairs to do on the car before the next race although its mostly superficial and not my finest hour of driving but it was a lot of fun and as always a great group of friends to go racing with.
I do however think more than ever that Qualify if really important.
Another reminder for me is that even if you have lots of cars to pass, take your time and make each move count. More time can be lost by slowing each other down in passing attempts that are never going to work.

Is it just me or is the crew being used by racing teams these days getting younger?
Yes indeed. I forgot to mention but all the photos from the Brands event were taken by Jamie as well!
Excellent, he’s taken some good pictures there!
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