I was not expecting to do much of an updte tis week as I am supposed to be in the USA. Instead I am mostly in bed with the Flu. Despite this, there is some progress.

Firstly the new Brake Bias adjuster has arrived from
CompBrake. During the first test at Snetterton, I never really got 100% comfortable with the feel for the brakes, especially braking through the left hander into the Esses.
Looking at some comparison data from Robs last race at Snetterton, he definitely brakes later than I did in my first outing in the BDN and even through

I carry a higher apex speed through the right hander of the Essess, Rob is quicker through this sector than I. Something to work on and this bias adjuster should get me part of that way. I hope to be able to to both extremes of front and back bias to get a feel and then find a suitable starting position. When qualifying for Snetterton in the Fury, I used to make a couple of brake adjustments throughout the lap to cope with the straight line braking into Riches and Sear and then more front bias for the braking whilst turning for the Esses and Russells.
The tyre situation has not progressed quite as well. Polley don't have any 15" AO48Rs in stock and don't expect to until the end of Feb. Looks like I will be testing 13" wheels on the rear!

As I may have mentioned before, the plan is to run a Palm Pilot on the BDN to give timing related information, fed directly from the DL1 telemetry box as per
Tim and Colin Chapman. Tim has been very kind to make a few adjustments to the code to support sector times, the first development of which can be seen in this image. I very much like the idea of also being able to see an elapsed time counter as our Qualify and Race sessions are time relating and during 2007, I always wondered how long was left and had to work it out from the lap counter whilst in the heat of battle.
If I am feeling better by the weekend then we may also get the front brake seals replaced and make a start on the bias adjust fitting. The next test is planned for the middle of February.
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